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Cuppaster , Isle of Yell, Shetland Isles, United Kingdom

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

4 weeks to go ...

After 5 years of planning (ok, so it's taken time!) we're now just a few short weeks away from boarding the Aberdeen ferry and embarking on our new life in Shetland.

We both leave work very soon ... and we both leave many good friends behind in Manchester and across the UK. Somehow though, we know our mates will be  looking forward to visiting "Their Friends in The North" whose new home is nearer the Arctic Circle than Buckingham Palace.

Watch out for our next update with some new pictures of the Isle of Yell and Shetland.



sandra0903 said...

Well Flossie and Steve, I had to be the first to wish you both every success and happiness in your new venture. Lang may yer lum reek !!!! love and hugs Mrs C xxxx

Steve and Sarah said...

aw thanks Mrs Cameron :-) very appropriate that you're the first xx

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