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Cuppaster , Isle of Yell, Shetland Isles, United Kingdom

Thursday, 12 May 2011

more pictures ...

Nigel snuggles up with his two new best buddies, Max & Digger

 Freds toys arrive .... now we're really getting started

Sarah has a go ..... is there no end to her talents?!!!

Hmm. Who put that water main there?
Charlie (our new best friend from Scottish Water) & The Boys survey the gushing burst water main.

Freds shopping list at the builders merchants asked us to buy 4 buckets for water
 (to be used for making concrete)
So far , the only water they've seen is:
1) to cover the mains burst creating our unexpected water feature and
2) to test out the flat tyre on the wheelbarrow. (currently being used by Sarah to muck out a tonne of sheep poo from an outhouse).

An eventful day yesterday to say the least !

Then ... at the end of a long day, on a lovely sunny evening we watched the first newly borne spring lamb totter about up on Rumble Haa.


Unknown said...

Hope everything is going well!!!!! Tell Uncle Fred the house is still in 1 piece and that the newly acquired ducks have eaten all his malties(Cheap Shreddies)!

Steve and Sarah said...

we'll pass the message on - sadly he still eating us out of house and proper Nana's Shreddies!

And you may well find that he'll be looking for new pets on his return home. Four legged woolly grass mowers =)

Unknown said...

Did you say Pets? Or partners?

Steve and Sarah said...

The pets will multi-task according to your Unc =)

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